Aromatherapy Massage Books

Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage
Author: Len Price with Ian Smith & Shirley Price
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage provides an overview of carrier oils, monographs (profiles) for 60 carrier and macerated oils, an introduction to the chemistry of the oils and other relevant information regarding the carrier oils used within aromatherapy, massage and other topical skin care applications.

Essential Oils and Aromatics: A Step-by-Step Guide for Use in Massage and Aromatherapy
Author: Marge Clark
Essential Oils and Aromatics is an excellent first aromatherapy book and stepping stone towards more detailed and thorough exploration of the many facets of aromatherapy. Its pages can be read in an afternoon or evening, and it will remain a helpful reference for its recipes and profiles.
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