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Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Information from AromaWeb (Logo)

Objective Insights Into Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

~ Since 1997 ~

Essential Oils and Aromatics


Essential Oils and Aromatics: A Step-by-Step Guide for Use in Massage and Aromatherapy
Author: Marge Clark
Publisher: Silverleaf Press
Copyright: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-933317-73-1

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Essential Oils and Aromatics is written by Marge Clark, who is best known as the owner of Nature's Gift as well as for her involvement within the aromatherapy community at large. Marge has actively participated, networked and helped others in an array of online communities/message boards/mailing lists devoted to aromatherapy. Marge has an excellent reputation for her essential oil knowledge and is known for her passionate, unique writing style. Marge has also been an advertiser and supporter of AromaWeb since its beginnings. She was a source of encouragement to me when I originally launched AromaWeb in 1997. Her passion and love of this fields shines through all that she writes on the subject.

Essential Oils and Aromatics is a lovely introductory aromatherapy book, offered in hard cover format. At 96 pages, it provides just enough information on each topic to educate the reader, and compel him or her to learn more about this rich field. Easy to follow recipes are also incorporated throughout the book. If I counted correctly, Essential Oils and Aromatics includes over 55 essential oil profiles. Though the profiles are brief, they provide a helpful overview of each essential oil, including the pertinent information for each. Marge has not skimped on including clear safety warnings in red print for those essential oils that have contraindications. Marge has also included brief information on 16 carrier oils including several that are rarely mentioned in other aromatherapy works.

Essential Oils and Aromatics is an excellent first aromatherapy book and stepping stone towards more detailed and thorough exploration of the many facets of aromatherapy. Its pages can be read in an afternoon or evening, and it will remain a helpful reference for its recipes and profiles.

Table of Contents for Essential Oils and Aromatics: A Step-by-Step Guide for Use in Massage and Aromatherapy:

  • Introduction
  • Essential Oils
  • Carrier Oils
  • Using Essential Oils
  • Safety Concerns
  • The Art of Aromatherapy
  • Aromatherapy for Mind and Mood
  • Essential Oils for Massage
  • The Aromabath
  • Healing With Essential Oils
  • Fragrances for the Home
  • An Alphabetical Guide to the Essential Oils and Their Uses

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The book descriptions and reviews on AromaWeb cannot encompass all potential errors, omissions, or safety concerns that may exist within each book. While I strive to objectively assess each book on AromaWeb, I cannot investigate or verify every statement each book contains. AromaWeb, LLC, and its founder accept no responsibility for any use or reliance upon the information provided. We strongly recommend conducting thorough, independent research through multiple sources before purchasing, relying upon, or implementing any statements or recommendations contained within any book you purchase. This content does not replace professional advice.

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