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Alliance of International Aromatherapists
The Alliance of International Aromatherapists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting skilled, responsible uses of essential oils. We serve aromatherapists, healthcare providers and the public.

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Books About Aromatherapy for the Mind, Psyche and Emotions

Book Cover for Aromatherapy and Women's Mental Health

Aromatherapy and Women's Mental Health
Author: Pam Conrad
Aromatherapy and Women's Mental Health by Pam Conrad provides a clear, evidenced-based foundation for choosing essential oils and selecting best methods of use for supporting mental health.

Book Cover for Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche

Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche
Authors: Peter & Kate Damian
Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche is a good choice for those seeking more in-depth details regarding the background of aromatherapy, how olfaction (the sense of smell) works, and how aromatherapy can effect the emotions.

Book Cover for The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 3 - Psyche and Subtle by Salvatore Battaglia

The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 3 - Psyche and Subtle
Author: Salvatore Battaglia
At long last, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Edition 3 Volume III - Psyche & Subtle has been published with great anticipation by many within the global aromatherapy community. Given Salvatore Battaglia's impressive background and passion for essential oils, Sal is uniquely qualified to lead our journey into more deeply understanding the subtle, spirtual benefits and applications for essential oils.

Book Cover for Fragrance and Wellbeing

Fragrance and Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche
Author: Jennifer Peace Rhind
Citing numerous articles and studies, Jennifer Peace Rhind provides a thorough, intriguing and objective look at the impact of aroma and fragrance, including natural botanical aromatics and essential oils, on personal wellbeing and the psyche.

Book Cover for the Fragrant Mind

The Fragrant Mind
Author: Valerie Ann Worwood
This volume delves into the psychological and emotional use of aromatherapy and essential oils. It covers both general psychological and aromatherapy information as well as listing emotional conditions and the oils that can assist with the condition. It also discusses various personality profiles and the oils most suitable for those personality types.


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