Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche
Scent and Psyche
Authors: Peter & Kate Damian
Publisher: Healing Arts Press
Copyright: 1995
ISBN: 0-89281-530-2
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Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche is a fascinating 244-page text for the more serious student of aromatherapy. It is a good source for those seeking more detailed information including the background of aromatherapy, how olfaction (the sense of smell) works, and how aromatherapy can effect the emotions. This book is more scientific in its presentation and may prove somewhat confusing or intimidating to the beginner. Having said that, I had purchased this book several years ago as one of my first aromatherapy texts and it did fascinate me greatly.
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche
- Introduction to Aromatherapy
- Phytoaromatherapy and the Theory of Disease
- Smell and the Psychology of Scent
- Aromatherapy Today and Tomorrow: Theory and Practice, Issues and Debates
- Psychotherapeutic Effects of Essential Oils
- The Chemistry of Essential Oils
- Essential Oil Profiles
- Appendix
- Floral Waters in Aromatherapy
- Aromatic Diffusers
- Basic Principles of Essential Oil Blending
- Charts and Tables
- Aromatherapy Usage Guide
- Chakra Oil Blending Guide
- Essential Oil Quick Reference Table
- Essential Oil Repertory
- Selected Bibliography
- Aromatherapy Essential Oil Companies
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