Sacred Smoke: The Ancient Art of Smudging for Modern Times
Smoke: The Ancient Art of Smudging for Modern Times
Author: Harvest McCampbell
Publisher: Book Publishing Company
Copyright: 2002
ISBN: 1570671176 / 978-1570671173
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As a first book on Native American smudging rituals, I recommend Sage & Smudge: The Ultimate Guide by Diane Ronngren.
Sacred Smoke, however, is an excellent supplemental book, written by, Harvest McCampbell, a Native American herbalist and educator. Sacred Smoke describes more herbs than does Sage & Smudge: The Ultimate Guide and provides additional information scattered throughout the book not covered in Sage & Smudge.
Table of Contents for Sacred Smoke
- Acknowledgments
- A Spot in the Spiral
- Creation
- Suffering
- Women's Prayer
- Smudging
- Gathering Plants for Smudge
- Making Smudge Sticks
- Plant Names
- Ritual
- Words of Caution
- My Favorite herbs fro Smudge
- Bayberry
- California Bay
- Cedar
- Juniper
- Epazote
- Fennel
- Mint
- Mugwort
- Mullein
- Pine, Fir, Hemlock
- Resin, Balsam, Gum, Sap
- Root
- Sage, Desert
- Sweet Grass
- Uva Ursi
- Wild Tobacco
- Yerba Santa
- Purchasing Smudge Herbs
- About Herb Books and Web Sites
- Book List
- Smudge on the Web
- About Harvest McCampbell
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