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Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

Book Cover for Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin
Author: Steffen Arctander
Publisher: Orchard Innovations
Copyright: 2019 (Originally Published in 1960)
ISBN: 195168205X / 978-1951682057
Pages: 438

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Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin is an excellent book to utilize for learning more about the scent profiles and background details of various essential oils, absolutes and other aromatic materials that are derived from plant and animal materials.

Originally written in 1960, this is an affordably priced reprint.

Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin contains hundreds of monographs of aromatic ingredients/materials. The monographs vary in length and information. Most are approximately 1/2 page each.

This book isn't suitable for use as a stand-alone book for essential oil monographs. You won't find safety or therapeutic usage information here. Having said that, the monographs within Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin expand upon the traditional essential oil and absolute monographs that we find in aromatherapy texts.

Arctander does a beautiful job describing the aroma of the aromatics that he profiles in his aromatics. This book is a lovely reference for use in learning more about the country of origin, distillation information and unique details that are not typically available in traditional essential oil monographs. It also includes over 60 black and white photos of various botanicals, fields, distillation equipment.

As it was written in 1960, you will find some information to be obsolete. There, however, is still a lot of insightful information to be gleaned from this publication.

From the Back Cover

Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, first published in 1960, is the classic, authoritative reference for a vast array of natural products used in perfumes, scents, flavorings, foods, and medicine throughout the world. Part One defines and describes processing methods used to extract or refine the products into usable form; Part Two includes more than 500 monographs on the natural raw materials used to produce perfumes, flavorings, etc. Appendices include a classification of important materials by their scent, and worldwide production figures for major products. Fully indexed, the book also includes 62 pages of photographs, making this one of the standard reference works on natural materials for perfumers, flavor chemists, and anyone wanting more information on these products.

Table of Contents for Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

  • Part One: Definitions and methods of processing
  • Part Two: Monographs on raw materials
  • Tables: Tonnage of world production of important natural perfume and flavor materials
    • Value of world production of the most important natural perfume and flavor materials
    • Location of the most important centers of production with respect to tonnage
    • Location of the most important centers of production with respect to value for the local community
    • Grouping of the natural materials according to odor type and suggested use
  • General index
  • French-German-Spanish condensed index
  • Index to photographs

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