Making Your Own Incense
Making Your Own Incense
Author: Tina Sams and Maryanne Schwartz
Publisher: Storey Communications, Inc.
Copyright: 1999
ISBN: 158017275X / 978-1580172752
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I discovered this brief but helpful 32-page book after I wrote the Incense and Aromatherapy article. It contains a lot of useful tips about making natural incense. Some of the info regarding essential oils isn't as thorough or as accurate as I would hope for, but those with a sound knowledge of essential oils should be able to still utilize many of the tips contained within this publication. I wish it was much more thorough, but at under $4 through (as of this writing), it's worth the price.
Table of Contents for Making Your Own Incense:
- The Essence of Incense
- The Science Behind the Scent
- Crafting Our First Incense
- Choosing the Right Ingredients
- Fragrant Woods
- Resins
- Gums
- Herbs and Spices
- Essential Oils
- Pyrotechnics
- Smudge and Smudge Sticks
- Making a Smudge Stick
- Burning a Smudge Stick
- Loose Noncombustible Incense
- Burning Loose Noncombustible Mix
- Loose Combustible Incense
- Making a Loose Combustible Mix
- Combustible Cones and Sticks
- Making Your Own Sticks and Cones
- Incense Recipes
- Loose Incense Mixtures
- Combustible Solid Incense
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