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Faith and the Fragrance Fairy

Faith and the Fragrance Fairy by Gina Flores

Faith and the Fragrance Fairy
Author: Gina Flores
Illustrator: Joann Well Greenbaum
Publisher: CreateSpace
Copyright: 2015
ISBN: 1514242494 / 978-1514242490
Pages: 42

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Embellished with adorable color illustrations, Faith and the Fragrance Fairy presents a sweet and magical tale of a girl's eagerness to return flowers, plants, and nature back to her bleak, gloomy and polluted city.

This charming book offers adults a wonderful way to introduce children and young readers to the importance of respecting and appreciating nature.

Faith and the Fragrance Fairy is a delightful story that will enchant young and old hearts alike!

From the Back Cover of Faith and the Fragrance Fairy

Faith is a brave and determined girl who decides SOMEONE has got to change her city, and soon... so why not HER! And so begins her magical adventure to save the flowers, plants and trees!

This fantastical story is for children of all ages... and adults who still believe in MAGIC!

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