Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters
Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters
Author: Marge Clark
Publisher: Nature's Gift, Inc.
Format: Kindle eBook
Copyright: 2014
Pages: 57 (Estimated)
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At 57 estimated pages, Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters is a non-intimidating, easy-to-read and enlightening introduction to hydrosols. It is an excellent choice for those interested in learning about how to use these precious aromatic waters.
Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters contains an introduction on how hydrosols are commonly produced, descriptions for 20 of the most favored and beneficial hydrosols available, safety and usage information and recipes. The Table of Contents, presented below, elaborates on the specific information and hydrosols covered.
Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters is written by Marge Clark, who is best known as the owner of Nature's Gift as well as for her involvement within the aromatherapy community at large. Marge has actively participated, networked and helped others in an array of online communities/message boards/mailing lists devoted to aromatherapy. Marge has an excellent reputation for her hydrosol and essential oil knowledge and is known for her passionate, unique writing style. Marge has also been an advertiser and supporter of AromaWeb since its beginnings. She was a source of encouragement to me when I originally launched AromaWeb in 1997. Her passion and love of this fields shines through all that she writes on the subject.
Table of Contents for Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats & Aromatic Waters:
- Hydrosols
- Some Uses
- Safety
- Materia Medica - Some Available Hydrosols
- Calendula Hydrosol
- Carrot Seed Hydrosol
- Chamomile German Hydrosol
- Chamomile Roman Hydrosol
- Cistus Hydrosol
- Clary Sage Hydrosol
- Cucumber Hydrosol
- Frankincense Hydrosol
- Rose Geranium Hydrosol
- Helichrysum Hydrosol
- Lavender Hydrosol
- Ledum Hydrosol
- Lemon Verbena Hydrosol
- Melissa Hydrosol
- Neroli (Orange Blossom) Hydrosol
- Peppermint Hydrosol
- Rose Hydrosol
- White Sage Hydrosol
- Tea Tree Hydrosol
- Witch Hazel Hydrosol
- Suggested Hydrosols By Skin Type
- Formulas, Recipes and Suggestions
- Sunburn Soother
- Healing Toner for Sensitive Skin
- Aloe Soothing Toner
- Jojoba Hair Conditioner
- In the Kitchen
- Rose Milk
- Roses and Apples
- Snow Rose Cookie Icing
- Summer Citrus Cooler
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