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Objective Insights Into Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

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Essential Oil Safety


Essential Oil Safety, Second Edition
Author: Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Copyright: 2013
Number of Pages: 784
ISBN: 0443062412 / 978-0443062414

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The second edition of Essential Oil Safety is invaluable to the serious aromatherapy student, aromatherapy practitioner, health care professional, and everyone seriously interested in understanding the safety precautions and contraindications for essential oils. For everyone past the stage of enjoying "recipe" style aromatherapy books and that seeks solid knowledge about the safe and effective use of essential oils, this book is an absolute must-have.

The original first edition of this book was a remarkable asset since its release in 1995. However, the 784-page second edition is a much more thorough publication that goes into far greater depth.

Having been working with essential oils since the 1960s, Robert Tisserand is a pioneer and expert in aromatherapy. Published in 1977, The Art of Aromatherapy, by Robert Tisserand was the very first aromatherapy book written in English.

Description from the Back Cover:

This second edition of Essential Oil Safety is a unique and comprehensive resource which provides an in-depth discussion of the safety of essential oils by different routes of exposure.

Since the first edition was first published in 1995, a significant amount of knowledge has come to light, and the book has been considerably extended and elaborated to incorporate these new developments.

Comprehensive profiles are included for a wide range of essential oils, as well as for their most abundant constituents, providing a rational basis for an analysis of hazards and risk based on an understanding of biological actions. The structure of these profiles has been considerably elaborated, and new material added.

Guidelines relating to maximum doses and restrictions issued by various authorities are discussed, and some have now been revised. For the first time, the potential for interactions between essential oils and orthodox drugs is reviewed.

New to This Edition:

  • 400 essential oil profiles (the 305 new profiles include Clary sage, Lavender, Rose and Tea tree)
  • 206 constituent profiles, including 79 new ones
  • Five new chapters - the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary system, the digestive system, the nervous system
  • Essential oil / drug interactions
  • Over 4000 references

Table of Contents for Essential Oil Safety, Second Edition

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgments
  • First edition preface
  • Second edition preface
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Essential oil composition
  • 3. Toxicity
  • 4. Kinetics and dosing
  • 5. The skin
  • 6. The respiratory system
  • 7. The cardiovascular system
  • 8. The urinary system
  • 9. The digestive system
  • 10. The nervous system
  • 11. The reproductive system
  • 12. Cancer and the immune system
  • 13. Essential oil profiles
  • 14. Constituent profiles
  • 15. general safety guidelines
  • Appendix A: Clinical Safety A-Z
  • Appendix B: Examples of drug substrates for CYP enzymes
  • Appendix C: Conversion tables for essential oils
  • Glossary
  • Abbreviations
  • Resources
  • References
  • Index

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