The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 1 - Foundations & Materia Medica
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 1 - Foundations & Materia Medica
Author: Salvatore Battaglia
Publisher: Black Pepper Creative Pty Ltd
Copyright: 2018
ISBN: 0648260607 / 978-0648260608
Pages: 638
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Salvatore Battaglia is a highly respected Australian aromatherapist, educator and essential oil expert. The first edition of Salvatore Battaglia's Complete Guide to Aromatherapy was published in 1995, and the second edition was published in 2003.
Published in 2018, Salvatore Battaglia's The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 1 - Foundations & Materia Medica is an invaluable resource for aromatherapists and aromatherapy students across the globe. It is one of my most treasured aromatherapy resources.

I had the privilege to meet and chat with Salvatore Battaglia at the 2018 National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy Conference and was thrilled to grab up a copy of the new Volume 1.
The third edition of Salvatore Battaglia's The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy has been significantly updated and expanded and is now being published as three separate volumes. This volume, Volume 1 - Foundations & Material Medica, is 638 pages.
The Materia Medica section contains 110 essential oil profiles. This section alone is worth the price of this volume. These are not your typical single paragraph or single page profiles. Each of Salvatore Battaglia's profiles averages 3-5 pages (some are much longer than others) and are well organized into applicable sections, depending on the essential oil:
- Identification
- Botanical name
- Synonyms
- Family
- Botany and origins
- Method of extraction
- Characteristics
- Chemical composition
- Adulteration
- Pharmacopoeias and standards
- History and Traditional Uses
- History
- Traditional medicine
- Food, perfumer and flavouring
- Therapeutics
- Pharmacology and clinical studies
- Actions
- Comment
- Aromatherapy Uses
- Clinical aromatherapy
- Energetics, psyche and subtle uses
- Dosage and Administration
- Blending
- Mode of administration
- Safety Profile
- General safety
- Contraindications
- Regulatory guidelines
- References
I love that the outer edges of the Materia Medica section pages are printed so that they include the letter of the alphabet for the essential oil that you are presently looking at. It's a simple feature, but saves so much time navigating through the profiles when looking for a particular oil.
Interestingly, Salvatore Battaglia published Volume 3 - Psyche & Subtle prior to completion and publication of Volume 2 - Science & Therapeutics.
From the Back Cover of The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 1 - Foundations & Materia Medica:
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy is internationally acclaimed as the most comprehensive text book on aromatherapy.
The third edition provides us with a framework for the practice of holistic aromatherapy. It includes monographs of 110 essential oils. Each monograph includes a description of the botany and origins, organoleptic profile, chemical composition, history and traditional uses, a comprehensive review of pharmacological and clinical studies, actions and indications, blending tips, and advice for the safe use and more.
Other topics covered in Volume 1 include:
- The role of aromatherapy in promoting health and wellbeing
- A detailed history of aromatherapy
- The botanical origins of essential oils
- The methods of essential oil extraction
- Quality of essential oils for aromatherapy use
- Guidelines for the safe practice of aromatherapy
- How to use essential oils in aromatherapy
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy is written for everyone who wishes to have a comprehensive understanding of essential oils, whether it be for personal use, for the student of aromatherapy, for the professional aromatherapist or for the pharmacist, nurse, doctor or health professional.
About the Author
Salvatore Battaglia has been passionate about natural therapies for most of his life. He holds qualifications in natural therapies, herbal medicine, acupuncture and aromatherapy. Salvatore's dedication to aromatherapy has seen him hold positions in professional associations and government committees to ensure that the educational standards of professional aromatherapy are maintained and improved. He is the founder of Perfect Potion, whose purpose is to naturally enhance people's lives.
Table of Contents for The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Volume 1 - Foundations & Materia Medica
The actual Table of Contents contained within the book includes a deeper breakdown of the Materia Media section.
- Acknowledgements
- Prefaces
- Organisation of this book
- Unit 1 - Foundations
- 1. Framework
- 2. History
- 3. Botany
- 4. Production
- 5. Quality
- 6. Safety
- 7. Use
- Unit 2 - Materia Medica
- How to use the Materia Medica
- Essential Oil Monographs
- This section includes detailed monographs for 110 essential oils.
- Appendices
- Glossary
- Properties
- Essential oils
- A typical material safety data sheet
- Summary of cautions and contradictions
- Useful addresses
- Index
- Botanical index
- General index typically offers this book
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