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Cannabis: CBD Rich Hemp Oil, Hemp Essential Oil and Hemp Seed Oil

Book Cover for Cannabis: CBD Rich Hemp Oil, Hemp Essential Oil and Hemp Seed Oil

Cannabis: CBD Rich Hemp Oil, Hemp Essential Oil and Hemp Seed Oil
Author: Elizabeth Ashley
Publisher: CreateSpace
Copyright: 2017
ISBN: 1976296625 / 978-1976296628
Pages: 372

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Confusion, mystery, concern and misinformation are abundant regarding Cannabis sativa and the therapeutic oils that are derived from it. Elizabeth Ashley is the first qualified aromatherapy educator and author to tackle this subject and publish a book that focuses upon the oils derived from Cannabis: CBD Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Cannabis Essential Oil and Cannabis Infused Oil. Elizabeth Ashley helps to clarify the historical origins of Cannabis, clears up a lot of confusion and misconceptions and provides an important overview of each of the different oils, their components, benefits and applications.

From the Back Cover


The discovery of a previously unknown endocrine system in the 1990s was to change the face of human biology for ever. Science finally had answers as to why tumours grow, hormones attack the body and some people's pain levels are off the scale. The ramifications of manipulating such a system were vast, illnesses like epilepsy, autism and cancer could become a thing of the past.

Its revelation shocked physicians across the globe, as this medical marvel adapted and conformed under the direction of one of nature's most ancient medicines. Named after the plant that mimics, locks to, and controls it, the endocannabinoid system heals at a ferocious speed under the influence of hemp.

Man has used cannabis as a means of survival since prehistory. Cultivated for seed and textile, it formed the very origins of civilisation. Through time, evidence shows it playing a vital part of how our ancestors communed with their gods. Psychoactive properties of THC, now not only connect the smoker with universal consciousness but treat the effects of nausea and pain from chemotherapy too.

In 2009, cannabis medicine underwent a radical change. Isolating the non-psychoactive component cannabidiol, breeders created a medicine, that in test tubes kills cancer cells, but doesn't alter the perception of reality. Startlingly, for a plant with such an intimate associate with psychosis, it even prevents schizophrenic dissociation. It enables veterans of PTSD to forget, eradicates epileptic fits and draws people on the autistic spectrum out of their isolated worlds and into ours.

Best-selling essential oil researcher Elizabeth Ashley has carefully untangled the threads of cannabis knowledge to find the truth about high CBD hemp oil, hemp essential oil and hemp seed oil. She:

  • Grasses on people telling lies about its skills
  • Weeds outs medical truth from fiction
  • Shares a joint study of cannabis history through archaeological finds and the medicine of the future.
  • Bud-dy's up to show you how to recreate the synthetic pharmaceuticals of tomorrow, using the plant medicine of today

Her compassionate and engaging stories of cannabis healing are exquisitely interlaced with simple to follow, yet state of the art physiology of how CBD affects our bodies in the most spectacularly beneficial way.

  • Discover how to use cannabis medicine to improve wellness
  • Eradicate anxiety and depression from your home
  • Unleash creativity
  • Improve memory
  • Enjoy better sex

You too can become a 21st century shaman, using a professional aromatherapist's recipes to treat over 50 different conditions. Feel the magic crackle in your own hands as you learn to heal in ways you could never have dreamed were possible.

About the Author (From the Back Cover)

Elizabeth Ashley qualified in aromatherapy in the early 1990's and is the author of the best selling Secret healer Aromatherapy manuals. Elizabeth is the UK Director for the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists.

Table of Contents for Cannabis: CBD Rich Hemp Oil, Hemp Essential Oil and Hemp Seed Oil

The actual Table of Contents contained within the book includes a much deeper breakdown of the subtopics contained within each chapter.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: What is Cannabis Oil?
  • Chapter 2: History
  • Chapter 3: The Endocannabinoid System
  • Chapter 4: Hemp's Healing Components
  • Chapter 5: Properties and Interactions of CBD
  • Chapter 6: The Nervous System
  • Chapter 7: Lessons from Homeopathy
  • Chapter 8: Clinical Evidence
  • Chapter 9: Care of the Endocannabinoid System
  • Chapter 10: Spiritual Dimensions fo the Essential Oil
  • Chapter 11: Cannabis in Aromatherapy
  • Chapter 12: Resources
  • Conclusion
  • Cannabis Training
  • References

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