Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child
for the Healthy Child
Author: Valerie Ann Worwood
Publisher: New World Library
Copyright: 2000
ISBN: 1-57731-095-0
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Finally there is a hefty and comprehensive book that covers aromatherapy for children - it's about time! Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child is a vast 316-page book that covers a multitude of aromatherapy uses for children. In Worwood's typical style, she doesn't merely give a recipe or two for particular conditions or issues, but she also provides well-rounded advice that complements her aromatherapy suggestions. Well laid out, detailed information and a nice amount of safety information round out this valuable book.
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child
- Part I - The Essentials of Nature's Healing Tools
- The Essentials
- Essential Oils - Nature's Healing Tools
- What's in a Name?
- Buying and Storing
- Using Essential Oils
- Hydrolats, Essential Oil Waters, and Infused Oils
- The Methods
- Blending
- Carrier Oils for Children
- Safety First
- Caring Touch Massage
- Caring Touch Massage Blends
- The Basic Care Kit for Children
- Basic Care Kit - Essential Oils
- Things to Make for Your First Aid Cabinet
- The Cave Man Eating Plan
- Part II - Treating Children with Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
- The A-Z of Conditions
- How to Use the A-Z Information
- The Seriously Ill Child
- Healing Touch
- Mind, Mood, and Emotion
- Alertness
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Suppliers
- Recommended Reading
- Index
- About the Author typically offers this book
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