Aromatherapy for Health Professionals
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals
Authors: Shirley Price and Len Price
Publisher: Churchill/Livingstone
Copyright: 2011 (fourth edition)
ISBN: 0702035645 / 978-0702035647
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This review is based on a previous edition of Aromatherapy for Health Professional.
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals includes detailed essential oil information, case studies and research. It serves as a very comprehensive guide on many subjects. If you are an intermediate/advanced student of aromatherapy, an aromatherapist or aromatherapy vendor, you will most likely consider this one of your most appreciated aromatherapy books.
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy for Health Professionals
- Section I - Essential oil science
- The genesis of essential oils
- Chemistry and quality
- Power and safety
- Traditional use, modern research
- Section 2 - The foundations of practice
- How essential oils enter the body
- Essential waters
- Touch and massage
- Aromas, mind and body
- Section 3 - Aromatherapy in context
- Primary healthcare
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- People with learning difficulties
- Stress
- Intensive and coronary care
- Care of the elderly
- Palliative and terminal care
- Section 4 - Policy and practice
- Aromatherapy in the UK
- Aromatherapy worldwide
- Appendices, Glossary and Useful addresses
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- References to appendices and sources
- Glossary
- Useful addresses
- Index typically offers this book
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