Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit
Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit
Author: Gabriel Mojay
Forward by: Robert Tisserand
Publisher: Healing Arts Press
Copyright: 1997
ISBN: 0892818875 / 978-0892818877
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Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit is a beautiful 192-page text. Whether at a beginning, intermediate or advanced level of aromatherapy knowledge, this text is a wonderful addition to any aromatherapy library. In this work, Mojay discusses the use of aromatics for emotional and spiritual well being. Aspects of Chinese medicine are explained and included within this text. Profiles (monographs) of 40 essential oils are covered. Also discussed are specific emotional imbalances and the oils that can be of aid (i.e. "Nervous Tension and Agitation," Overthinking and Worry," Poor Concentration and Memory," etc.).
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit
- Part One: therapeutic Foundations
- Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
- Methods of Application
- Aromatherapy Massage
- Yin and Yang
- The Five Elements
- Essential Oils and Astrology
- Pat Two: Materia Aromatica
- Blending for Balance
- Nervous Tension and Agitation
- Overthinking and Worry
- Anxiety and Apprehension
- Poor Concentration and Memory
- Lack of Confidence and Self-Esteem
- Anger and Frustration
- Dissempowerment and Indecision
- Depression and Negativity
- Problems in Relating
- Part Three: Restoring Balance
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