Aromatherapy for the Soul: Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential Oils
for the Soul: Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential
Author: Valerie Ann Worwood
Publisher: New World Library
Copyright: 2006
ISBN: 1-57731-562-2 / 978-1577315629
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Excerpt from the Back Cover of Aromatherapy for the Soul
"Fragrances possess a unique ability to evoke emotions, memories, and visions. Since the dawn of time spiritual traditions as diverse as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Shinto, and Buddhism have used fragrances to enhance the experience of the Divine. With Aromatherapy for the Soul, world-renowned aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood has created a comprehensive guide to the use of essential oils and aromas to enhance spiritual practice.
Originally published as The Fragrant Heavens, this groundbreaking book draws equally upon the pioneering research of eminent scientists and the insights of leading spiritual teachers. Extensive charts and exercises demonstrate how to use fragrance in healing, prayer, and meditation and in conjunction with vibrational and energetic healing. This extraordinary guide covers more than seventy essential oils and will help you call upon the divine power of fragrance to enrich your spiritual journey."
Aromatherapy for the Soul offers a broad and enticing look at the spiritual application for essential oils in ancient and present times.
This isn't a "recipe" style book, so don't look to it if you're looking for ready-made recipes. Instead, choose this book if you're looking for a deeper introduction into the role that aromatherapy and aromatic botanicals play within spirituality in general and within your own personal spiritual practices.
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy for the Soul: Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential Oils:
- List of Charts and Illustrations
- Introduction
- Part One: On the Celestial Wings of Fragrance
- Chapter 1: Let There Be Light: Plants and Their Spiritual Nature
- The Singing Forest
- Plants That Feel and Speak
- The Sanctity of Plants
- Essential Oils: The Unseen Energies
- Chapter 2: Using Essential Oils for Spiritual Union
- Thought, Intent and Purpose
- Purification
- Handling and Storage
- The Spiritual Connection
- The Heavenly Atmosphere
- Anointing
- The Scared Waters
- Body Oils
- Spiritual Blending
- Blending with Prayer and Affirmations
- Methods of Use
- Carrier Oils
- Special Care
- Chapter 3: Prayer and Meditation
- Prayer
- "Dear God"
- Taking the Pathway to Heaven
- Blocks in the Flow
- Creating Your Spiritual Haven
- Heaven Scent
- Meditation
- Chapter 4: On Perfumed Angels' Wings
- Angelic Aromas: The Angelic Vibrations
- The Angelic Fragrances
- Chapter 5: A Fragrant Transition
- The Fragrance of the Spirit
- Making the Transition
- Using Essential Oils to Make the Transition
- Spritzers
- Hydrolats
- Fragrance and Transition The Long Tradition
- Chapter 6: Remembrance of Fragrance Past
- The Aroma-Genera Experience
- Chapter 7: Fragrant Clouds of Purity and Protection
- The Beneficent Home
- Clearing the Atmosphere
- Misters and Sprayers
- Water Bowls
- Essential Oil Cleansing Bundles
- Energy-Cleansing Baths
- The Elements
- Holy Smoke for Purification
- Fragrant Plant Bundles
- Chapter 8: Multidimensional Bodies
- The Subtle Bodies
- Essential Oils and the Human Auric Field
- Choosing Essential Oils for Subtle Energy Work
- Part Two: Aromatherapy and the Spiritual Connection
- Chapter 9: Vibrational Aromatherapy
- The Chakras
- Body Scanning
- using Vibrational Aromatherapy in Treatment
- Music
- Sounds
- Color
- Aromas
- Accessories
- treatment
- Miasms
- Energies
- Healing the Spiritual Crisis
- The Fragrant Symphony
- Chapter 10: Energetic Aromatherapy
- Essential Oils and Spiritual Healing
- In the Room
- In the Auric Field of the Client
- On the Healer
- Essential Oils and Distant Healing
- Healing Lists
- Essential Oils and Reiki
- Essential Oils and Energy Workers
- Essential Oils and Crystal and Gem Therapy
- Essential Oils and Channeling
- Essential Oils and Color Healing
- Chapter 11: The Essential Oil Spiritual Profiles
- Capturing the Fragrance of Your Favorite Flowers What to Do If You Don't Have the Essential Oils
- Glossary of Therapeutic Properties
- Chapter 12: The Aromatic Traditions
- The Goddess of the Sacred Trees
- Ancient Egypt
- Mesopotamia
- The Hebrew Tradition and the Kabbalah
- The Christian Tradition
- Ancient Greece and Rome
- The Vedic Scriptures
- Islam and Arabia
- Buddha of the Sacred Tree
- Taoism and Chinese Tradition
- Shinto and the Japan Tradition
- The Native American Nations
- Appendix One: Safety Data
- Appendix Two: Suppliers
- Bibliography
- Acknowledgments
- Index
- About the Author typically offers this book
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