Aromatherapy for Menopause Success
Aromatherapy for Menopause Success: 100 Essential Oil Recipes to Reclaim Your Vibrancy
Author: Angela Sidlo
Publisher: Saddle Mt Healing Arts Press
Copyright: 2018
ISBN: 1732562504 / 978-1732562509
Pages: 180
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As a middle-aged woman, I am thrilled that Angela Sidlo has prepared a book that focuses upon the use of essential oils to help support fluctuating hormones and the symptoms/challenges that women face during peri/menopause. What a helpful book and resource this is for those of us facing this special stage in our lives.
The first three sections of the book beautifully introduce essential oils and how they can play a role in supporting women during menopause. Helpful introductory information is included for approximately 8 of the most crucial hormones that ideally need to work in balance. Angela Sidlo also provides useful charts of symptoms and remedies. The bibliography section includes a number of studies, articles as well as book recommendations.
Approximately half of the book's 180 pages is comprised of 100 helpful recipes that support mood, sleep, healthy stamina, adrenal support, PMS relief and more (see the Table of Contents below for the categories).
The book includes approximately 3/4 page of information devoted to essential oil safety. Although I love Aromatherapy for Menopause Success overall, the essential oil safety information is a little sparse. I would recommend that readers who are new to essential oils use Aromatherapy for Menopause Success in conjunction with another book that provides more safety coverage for each oil.
From the Back Cover
Finally, the book every woman entering menopause has been waiting for.
- Are your hormones out of whack these days?
- Are your moods all over the place?
- Has maintaining a healthy weight becoming challenging?
- Do you feel exhausted most of the time?
- Can you even remember the last time you got a good night's sleep?
- Has your sex drive hit an all time low?
- Do you feel like your doctor hasn't explained what's really happening to your body?
- Are you searching for natural ways to get back on track?
Angel Sidlo, Certified Holistic Aromatherapist and Menopause Success Coach can help you navigate this most precious and empowering time of your life with ease - showing you ways to lose weight, improve mood, renew sex drive and reclaim your vibrancy using essential oils.
With Aromatherapy for Menopause Success You'll Learn:
- What's happening to your body in peri/menopause
- How essential oils interact with your endocrine system
- How to identify which hormones are causing imbalances
- Which essential oils can relieve your systems
- How to sustain a beautiful glow in your wisdom years and unlock your inner beauty
After going through menopause and discovering how essential oils interact with the endocrine system to rebalance the body on a hormonal level, Angela immersed herself in the world of aromatherapy becoming a Certified Holistic Aromatherapist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Reflexologist. She quickly learned how to create essential oil blends and protocols that ease the systems of menopause and hormone imbalances. Her proven solutions will help you reclaim your vibrancy.
She currently serves as the Oregon Director for the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists, teaches aromatherapy at the Oregon School of Massage and formulates essential oil blends for Columbia Memorial Hospital.
Table of Contents for Aromatherapy for Menopause Success
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- How to Use This Book
- Part 1 - Using Essential Oils for Hormone Balance
- History of Essential Oils for Menopause and Women's Health
- What are Essential Oils?
- How Essential Oils are Produced
- How Aromatherapy Works in the Body
- How Aromatherapy Works with the Endocrine System
- Methods of Application
- Safety Tips and Precautions
- Part 2 - Understanding Your Hormones
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Cortisol
- Insulin
- Thyroid
- Leptin
- Cholesterol
- Oxytocin
- hot Flashes & Night Seats Explained
- PMS Unraveled
- Managing Healthy Weight Through Menopause
- Part 3 - Quick Reference Guides
- Hormone Symptom Mapper
- Essential oil Remedy Mapper
- Part 4 - The Recipes
- Improve Your Mood
- Focus & Brain Fog remedies
- Stress Management Solutions
- Improve Energy & Stamina
- Take Control of Hot Flashes & Night Sweats
- PMS Relief
- Get a Good Night's Sleep
- Enhance Libido and Improve Intimacy
- Conquer Weight Management
- Hair & Skincare Essentials
- Liver Detoxification & Digestion
- Adrenal Support
- Genitourinary Support
- Thyroid Support
- Immune Enhancement
- Appendix
- Resources List
- Bibliography
- About the Author
- Index typically offers this book
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