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Meditating With Essential Oils

Meditating With Essential Oils

Meditation is not exclusive to any one particular culture or religious/spiritual group. Generally speaking, meditation induces a sense of relaxation leading one to become receptive to enlightenment.

Whereas prayer is the state of speaking to God or the Divine, either out loud or silently, meditation is the state of silently and calmly listening to hear insight, enlightenment and empowerment from our Divine creator. Meditation allows us to relax our minds, focus upon a particular point of reference and take a mini-vacation from the stresses of the day.

Woman Meditating

Wikipedia's entry on Meditation offers some good introductory information on the meditative practices of different religious and spiritual groups. For a good introduction to meditation, pick up a copy of 8 Minute Meditation by Victor Davich.

Proper use of essential oils during meditation can enhance the experience by grounding you and promoting a sense of calm. Essential oils like Vetiver, Sandalwood, Atlas Cedarwood, Palo Santo and Patchouli are considered grounding. Other oils like Clary Sage, Lavender and Roman Chamomile act as natural sedatives and can enhance the relaxed state of meditation. Oils like Helichrysum and Frankincense are said to enhance enlightenment and a spiritual connection with the divine. Look to AromaWeb's Essential Oils for Spirituality article for a categorized list of essential oils that can be adapted for your personal practice of meditation or prayer.

When meditating, I personally prefer using a candle diffuser to diffuse my selected meditation essential oil blend, but other types of diffusers or even a room mist can be used. Look to AromaWeb's All About Diffusers article for information on the available types of diffusers. AromaWeb's Air Freshener Recipe can be adapted to make your own personal Meditation Room Spray.

Use the below diffuser blends as starting ideas for creating your own personal meditation blends. Be sure that you understand the safety and contraindications for each oil that you use and that you understand how to properly use your diffuser.

Grounding Meditation Diffuser Blend

Combine equal proportions of the following essential oils in a clean glass bottle to create a master diffuser blend and diffuse per the manufacturer instructions for your diffuser:

Enlightening Meditation/Prayer Diffuser Blend

Combine equal proportions of the following essential oils in a clean glass bottle to create a master diffuser blend and diffuse per the manufacturer instructions for your diffuser:

Relaxing Meditation Diffuser Blend

Combine equal proportions of the following essential oils in a clean glass bottle to create a master diffuser blend and diffuse per the manufacturer instructions for your diffuser:

More Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Meditation

Visit AromaWeb's Aromatherapy Recipes Area to explore 5 more essential oil diffuser blends mindfully created for use during meditation and yoga.

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