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~ Since 1997 ~

Essential Oil Inhalation Patches Guide

Inhalation Patches

Essential oil inhalation patches provide a discreet and portable way to passively diffuse essential oils for up to 8 hours.

Inhalation patches are small, disposable, individually wrapped, topical patches that are approximately 1" x 1" (3cm x 3cm). In the center of each patch is a round receptacle in which several drops of essential oil can be applied.

The underside of the patches contains a hypoallergenic adhesive that enables the patch to stay in place on the skin. It is typically worn on the upper chest region of the body so that it is in proximity to the nose. The patch can be worn under clothing, but some thought should go into placement to insure that the clothing doesn't prevent the essential oil from diffusing into the air.

Inhalation patches are available that have essential oils pre-applied for such concerns as insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, respiratory complaints and nausea.

Patches are also available as "blanks" so that you can add your own essential oil. I haven't tried re-using the patches myself, but I've heard that they can be refreshed with additional essential oil, if desired, after the existing oil has evaporated.

Essential Oil Inhalation Patch Benefits

  • The patches can be an effective way to allow hospital or nursing home patients the ability to benefit from essential oil inhalation without the risks associated with using a room diffuser in the proximity of other patients. Because they stay in place, the patient is not required to open and close an essential oil inhaler stick, and there is no risk of the patient dropping or losing the patch as there is with an inhaler stick.

  • The patches offer a discreet and portable way to continually diffuse essential oils at times when it is may not be convenient or appropriate to use an essential oil diffuser or inhaler stick. Using an inhalation patch on the upper chest, discreetly under clothing, can be a helpful way to passively diffuse essential oils. For example, a patch can be applied just inside an upper opening of a blouse, shirt or pajamas so that it has adequate exposure to air. This can be helpful during potentially high stress times such as anxiety-provoking family visits, job interviews, or to help combat flight anxiety.

The Difference Between an Essential Oil Inhalation Patch and a Transdermal Patch

Nicotene, contraceptive and motion sickness patches are examples of transdermal patches. Transdermal patches are designed to enable the intended medication or substance to penetrate the skin and then become absorbed into the bloodstream.

Essential oil inhalation patches, on the other hand, are intended specifically for inhalation. They are designed with a protective barrier that prevents the essential oil from contacting or becoming absorbed by the skin. The essential oil being inhaled via the patch can still be absorbed into the bloodstream, but it is by way of inhalation through the lungs.

Where to Buy the Patches

To locate companies and aromatherapy practitioners that offer essential oil inhalation patches, visit the Aromatherapy Inhalation Patches Category of AromaWeb's Aromatherapy Business Directory.