Guide to the Benefits of Joining Reputable Non-Profit Aromatherapy Associations

I received my aromatherapy certification over two decades ago and had been using essential oils for several years prior to that. Sadly, I did not make it a priority to join an aromatherapy association in my early years due to the cost of my aromatherapy coursework, additional books, essential oils and supplies in combination with how busy I was.
Looking back, I regret not immediately pursuing a membership in one of aromatherapy associations of the time. My delay lead to my missing out on opportunities to learn, network and build friendships.
Living in the United States, I've now been a professional level member of both the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) and the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) for many years. Now that I've been a member in good standing for so long, I can't imagine not networking and supporting the efforts of these amazing associations.
Refer to the below sections to learn about the typical aromatherapy association membership levels, benefits of membership and a core list of several of the key aromatherapy associations located throughout the United States and world.
Typical Levels of Aromatherapy Association Membership:
This list gives you a very general idea of the types of membership levels available. Membership levels have certain requirements, and the more advanced levels require proof of education and experience. Pricing for each membership level varies, and memberships typically require renewal annually.
- Basic
- Student
- Professional
- Clinical Aromatherapist
- Business
- Honorary
Typical Benefits of Aromatherapy Association Membership:
This is a list of the possible benefits when joining a non-profit aromatherapy association like NAHA or AIA. This list is offered as a general idea, so please use this list only as a general idea. The actual benefits vary by association and membership level.
- Brand-neutral, objective opportunities to learn about essential oils and application
- Journal subscription
- Membership newsletters through email
- Access to essential oil research studies, findings and insights/li>
- Regularly (often monthly) scheduled webinar presentations given by experienced aromatherapy professionals other professionals in related fields
- Access to past webinar recordings
- Continuing education credits
- Networking opportunities
- Ability to vote (Depending on membership type)
- Ability to hold office and/or volunteer
- Recognition as a member, including use of branded membership logo on your website and marketing materials (with certain restrictions and requirements)
- Professional liability and/or product liability insurance offering
- Advertising and listing opportunities
- Aromatherapy associations such as NAHA and AIA coordinate regularly scheduled educational conferences. Members are typically eligible for receiving a membership rate for conference attendance.
- Special offers to members on books and other aromatherapy resources
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Associations Located in the United States
- Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA)
- National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)
- Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild (HSCG)
HSCG is not an aromatherapy-specific association, but it is an invaluable association for those that formulate hand crafted products intended for sale.
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Associations Located in Canada
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Association Located in Great Britain
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Association Located in Australia
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Association Located in Japan
Non-Profit Professional Aromatherapy Associations Located Elsewhere in the World
As much as I would love to link to all reputable non-profit aromatherapy associations located world-wide, I would not be able to effectively keep up with maintaining such a list. To see if there is an aromatherapy association in your country, it may be helpful to start by using your preferred search engine and search with variations of the phrase aromatherapy associations or aromatherapy associations near me (but in the language of your country). If there isn't a reputable association in your country, NAHA and AIA, both located in the United States, accept members from other countries.
For information, read The Benefits of Attending Non-Profit Aromatherapy Association Conferences and Events.