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Essential Oils to Cleanse, Purify and Combat Negativity

Photo depicting a very negative environment with a man screaming at a woman.

In everyday life, negative energy and influences surround us all on many levels:

Careless Drivers...
Rude Shoppers...
Loud Neighbors...
Deceitful Family Members...
Pushy Friends...

Ignorance... Impatience... Bigotry... Hatred... Manipulation... Selfishness...

There are also so many beautiful events in everyday life to experience and savor, but it can become a challenge to notice and appreciate the joys in life when negative influences constantly bombard and drain us.

Man Surrounded by Negativity

Although it cannot be seen, it is believed by some that negative energy can build up in a space if it isn't cleared. Our homes, offices and vehicles are believed to store these negative energies and influence our outlook and relationships. Catholics, Native Americans and Wiccans are amongst those that include rituals utilizing aromatics within their practices to bless and rid negativity from homes and spaces. View AromaWeb's Native American Smudging Rituals article for more information on Native American rituals that you can adapt to your needs.

Essential OilsDepending on your personal beliefs, essential oils have the potential to uplift the spirit, purify the environment and combat the negativity that we experience daily. I use essential oils routinely to help me stay grounded and focused on the positive and to keep my environment positively energized and pleasant.

List of Essential Oils that Can Help Combat Negativity and Help Cleanse a Room of Negative Energy

The below list includes essential oils thought to cleanse/purify the air and combat negativity. These oils can be considered for use within diffuser and air freshener blends to help keep your environment free of negativity.

Be sure that you learn about each oil that you intend to use and understand any warnings or contraindications associated with the oil.

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